For this one we are supposed to clean out the different drives. I really never put stuff on the S drive unless I'm sending to the printer and then I clean it out after I get the print job. I also only save stuff on the P drive to my YA folder and I try to keep that as concise and clean as possible. I actually went through in January and deleted a bunch of files I didn't need anymore. I think it is a good idea to clean these drive out once in a while.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
iHCPL Next Gen: #29 email cleaning
Well, I went through and cleaned out my inbox (which I've actually been meaning to do for a couple weeks). I tend to clean out every couple months and shift stuff to different folders/delete etc. I probably won't clean out my inbox every day, but I'll try to hit it at least once a month. I'm pretty good about moving emails to folders or deleting as needed. There are a lot of emails I get that don't fit in any folder though, or something I need to remember to do. If I move an email out of my inbox, I forget about it.
Posted by
1:48 PM
Monday, March 17, 2008
iHCPL NextGen: #28 - Cleaning Pt. 1
I actually like Google calendar (except that you can't just have it open on your desk have to sign into it). I used Google calendar to map out when the main meeting room at our library was available during the summer. The children's programs move into the room in the summer, so having an average week mapped out on a visible calendar made it easy to see when I could book the room.
Posted by
10:48 AM