Friday, October 26, 2007

Beautiful Cathedrals

I was browsing around on Flikr and found these picks. I can't blog the photo since it is not mine, but they were so beautiful, I wanted to let you know. This photographer, "Stuck in Customs", is extremely talented. Breathtaking!

Check it out...

1 comment:

Naps-a-lot Bear said...

How did he do that? What is HDR? I have no idea what this new pic-taking technique is, but it is really awesome. I wonder what he did to the photos to make them look that way, almost as if they were REALLY detailed paint-on-black velvet pictures (I've never graduated from the kind that require markers, but that is another story).

Even in real life, these churches never looked like that to me; I wonder how he got so much light?

In case anyone ever wants to know, the climb to the top of Santa Maria del Fiore in Florence is entirely worth it, if only to look down at the marble floor, then up at the torturous faces of the souls in Hell that decorate the inside of the cupola.
Thanks for posting this!