Monday, October 22, 2007

iHCPL #16: Wiki-mania

I actually like wikis. I don't really edit them, but I think it is interesting to browse through them. Wikipedia is one of my faves (and also very dangerous since you can follow links for hours...). I also find Wikipedia is a good source for starting out research. Not all the info on the Wiki is correct, but lots of people post their sources and it can give a researcher an idea of what materials to start looking in.

I love Whedonverse and Buffyverse Wikis b/c I can discover all sorts of facts and trivia that I didn't know. It also helps fill in plot holes.

As far as library wikis go, I think that in some instances they could be very useful. It would be interesting to have a "researchers wiki" that gave basic facts and resources for common middle school and high school research projects. A wiki book reviewing sight like the Book Lover's wiki is also a good idea and a way to get library patrons involved.

1 comment:

Naps-a-lot Bear said...

I use the "browsers who viewed this item also purchased..." feature on Amazon to wander though the virtual shelves for hours. I see what you mean about getting lost in Wikipedia for ages, though. I like looking through that to get my feet wet on a topic. I also use it to inspire my Amazon wanderings, or to fuel my ILL-pillaging ventures :)