Tuesday, October 23, 2007

iHCPL #17 - Techno-something

I like and appreciate the benefits of technology as much as the next person, where would we be without electricity and combustible engines? But I also do not particularly enjoy how invasive much of modern technology has become. My home and phone number should be private; I shouldn't receive phone calls at 9am on Sunday morning from a sales person in another state or country trying to sell me something useless.

I saw a study recently (I can't remember where or I would site the source) that found that most people do not worry about their privacy very much. That boggled my mind. Who wants everyone to know their business? But, given my own personal experiences, I have to conclude that the study was at least somewhat valid in their findings. I have heard very personal conversations had by people talking loudly on their cell phone. One of my friends (who is far more socially outgoing than I) listened for about 10 minutes to the girl sitting across from her complain on the phone about the state of her romantic relationship. When the girl finally hung up, my friend started talking to the girl about relationships and gave her some advice (I think my friend was deliberately trying to make a point : )). The cell phone talker was appalled that someone had been listening to her conversation and my friend pointed out that if she had wanted to keep the conversation private, that she should not have been talking so loudly or so long.

Maybe it comes down to social etiquette and common courtesy (which is becoming more uncommon by the day). Maybe along with home ec. and computer classes there needs to be some technology etiquette classes offered. I'm not sure of the answer. I truly do appreciate the advances and convenience of modern technology, but I do not love how others use of technology effects me on a daily basis. ; )


whymustweblog said...

iThis is the required comment to another person's blog. I couldn't agree with you more on the privacy issues.

Unknown said...

Technology today is ubiquitous. People are expected to be "available" 24 hours a day / 7 days per week. There is a good reason that I don't have a cel phone.

It astounds me also that people are on their cel phones constantly and quite evidently are oblivious to how they are sharing their half of the conversation with everyone in the room, most of whom would rather have had their peace of mind back.

Annette is always talking about how she'll go over to someone who has just loudly ordered something over his or her cel phone and tell that person the last four digits of their credit card number. Every time, it seems, the people are shocked that someone had heard the entire phone call.

Yes, I enjoy being able to find much more information for the customers because we have the Internet. No, I don't enjoy having everyone else's personal business constantly foisted on me because they can't be bothered to go somewhere else to talk on their cel phone.--Margaret

sc said...

I agree with the etiquette class. Everyone who gets a cell phone should have to have a class. Listening to conversations in restaurants, lines, stores, etc. drives me nuts. TMI and people just don't realize.
Also, checking out the Buffy info.

Booker said...

I'm all for technology social etiquette and security classes. People don't seem to realize how they affect people around them or how much personal information they are giving out.

Naps-a-lot Bear said...

Who was the friend who offered the annoying caller relationship advice? Either I did that, or it was Mar-mar; I think were are the only two of your friends who would attempt that kind of (flip) teachable moment.

Now I am curious...